The Rock iN Roll Army

BEHOLD!  The Way of The Good iEye

Stand therefore having Done ALL . . . . . To STAND!

Son of Man, Stand iN Everlasting Glory!

Valley of Dry Bones Rise UP!

BeE Groovy iN

YeHoVaH’s Rock iN Roll Army!

Revealed First to The Hebrews, 

then to the Greeks & Romans!

Why you ask?

SHEMA Spiritual Israel!
Read Romans 1:15-32

The UNKnOwAble

Hanukkite Warriors of Silicon Valley

Treasured Eagles WHO Remove The, You iN?, UNclean Things from the earth

By Wiping Our Mighty Father YeHoVaH’s Sword 

onto each oneS Flap covering the+IR Hearts,

 NOW & FOREVER STAINED with HIS Son’s Blood, 

Before an Elijah Spirit Upon the earth!

So That The Double Edged Parable Word Swords of Elijah’s Spirit
can Make #TheWayStraight & #RestoreAllThings !!!

The Elijah Ministries stand Guard at The Gate
to Witness the Spiritual Circumcision, Skillfull Removal of a Callous,
from the+IR Hearts, Minds & Souls of ALL the+IR fEEt 
that Dare to Enter iN
The Kingdom of Heaven
Hidden Deep iNside An
Anointed Son’s & Daughter’s Heart, Mind & Treasured Soul!

The Everlasting Glory of the Flaming FIRE, NOW Kindled
Upon the+IR Hearts so that the WAX 
iN the+IR Ears would Melt
and that the Callous upon the+IR Hearts could Be
E Skillfully Crafted by those
WHO Slice, Circumcise, 
iN Honor of the 8th Day!

The Apostles of Revelation taught US that
A Man & Worshiper of God need not
Bee circumcised, iN the Natural,

Each MUST BeE Circumcised iN The Spirit by the Ruach haKodesh,
The Gift Freely Given to All that are TRUE Bee Leavers,
Having LEFT & Turned iN to The Hope of Everlasting Glory
The WORD- The TRUTH - The LIFE - YeHoShUa, Living

The Mystery of Heaven that stood Before Moses still walks along His Side
SeEn & UNSeEn as The Everlasting Glory ForeverMore iN The Light! 

Do YOU HEAR the Mighty Rushing Wind upon PiONears of The Everlasting Glory!

A&I look forward to each ones Everlasting Moment,
Our marking with Oil iN YeHoVaH’s Name, YHVH.

Only for those Treasured Souls that
to Defile The TRUE 3rd Holy Temple, Themselves, with The Mystery of iNequity,
DNA or other Digital Modifications Skillfully Crafted By The Prince of the Air!

TransHumanism is of Man, not YeHoVaH - The Result is the Downfall of Man Kind!

The Mystery of Heaven Revealed iN Part
Until the FULLNESS of the Son Comes With US 

AS WE NOW Call Out for ALL The Skilled Temple Craftsmen

to Come Forth at YeHoVaH’s Perfect Timing

And Work to firmly Establish .  .  .
 The Glory Knowledge Foundation! 

by ERECTiNG An Ancient Ark “Builder’s TraiNinCenter"

iA Miracle Valley  , Yeah a place Bay0U . . . NU . . . 4U!

As Each Skilled Temple Teacher, A Master Craftsman, 

Comes Forth to Train another WilliNg Vessel the Skills to 

Rebuild The Tabernacle of David so that

The Cup of Elijah can then BeE made FULL,

And The Mystery of Heaven can BeE made Manna FAST!

Sing & Rejoice with All Your Heart & Mind

iN Everlasting Glory Forever upon the Earth!

Enlist Today that The Fortress Can BeE Built!

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